Monday 2 May 2016

gratitudes. grateful.


I should have updated my blog last week Thursday for Sunggyu's 27th (28th in Korean age) birthday because he became my almost 2nd bias in INFINITE. you see how I wrote almost there? because Woohyun keeps in getting the way to remind me that he is my first bias in INFINITE after all and ask to not let him go down after Hoya takes his place. HA-HA. so,

*throws heart*

Anyways, I am not posting this post solely for Sunggyu. no, no Sunggyu, please don't be flattered (for now) :P

So, I received like a pretty good news today and I praise Allah the Almighty for everything that He had planned for me. so beautiful, so smooth. Alhamdulillah, Allah is the Greatest. 

the point of this post? to be grateful everyday. whatever happens, its for a reason. so, whenever faced with tests and trials, do not despair and lose hope. believe in everything happens for a reason. every tests and trials that fall upon you proves that Allah loves you. 

Remember, surah Al-Insyirah (94:5-6);

"So verily, with the hardship, there is relief. Verily, with the hardship there is relief. "

and also, surah Al-Ankabut (29: 2-3)

"Do men think they will be left alone saying: 'We believe' and that they will not be tested? We did that test before them, and Allah will certainly know those who are true from those who are false."

so whenever I faced upon challenges, tests, trials and downturns of life, I kept these two Surahs close to my heart. I believe the more tests and trials I fall upon to, its just the way of Allah telling me, He loves me and wants me to be the better person than I am before.

and the reminder of the post is: BE GRATEFUL OF EVERYTHING EVEN DOWN TO THE CHALLENGES YOU COME UPON. they are the presents from Allah.


till then,

Love, M.

p/s: all images are credited to Google. (we don't want any issues here, don't we?)

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