Wednesday 28 September 2016

Read at your own risks

Well, hi!

I'm back for now. I missed the first anniversary for this blog, hew-hew. not that I remembered when,  all I know it has been a year. Happy 1st Anniversary haengbokdays :) love, love, love.

So just few days back, I was doing things with my friends at university when suddenly she asked if I used to love reading  back then. reading English fictions to be specific. so I answered YES! I've always loved reading since primary school and love reading any books that I found interesting in the library. I loved reading even now but it must have toned down a bit because of my hectic life of being an university student. well, that's for me. not applicable to every university students. ha-ha. so yeah back to the story, yes I've always loved reading but I think since I was in pre-university, I toned down in reading because I rarely went to the school library and the library does not seem to have interesting books to be read. yes, I was quite picky with book titles. so yeah now I once in awhile will purchase books from bookstore to satisfied a sudden craving for reading. or I just went to read fanfictions. there are good ones actually! like the one I'm currently waiting for updates now. haha

so why with reading?

because my friend said my English is good and she likes how I constructed my sentences (ahem!well yeah that's how interpret it because how else would you interpret when you are told that your English is nice ha-ha) to be honest I was happy when she said that because I was not a very good English speaker before. but you need to improve and you need to make an effort in doing so. be constant even if its baby steps. so if you want to improve your English, go ahead and read few books, converse in English with your friends once in awhile and get help from your teachers or your friends or siblings if you find them hard. you can't give excuses "English is not my first language" when someone points out you have a mistake in your sentences. keep on writing or reading or even talking to yourself can help to improve your English.

woots. that's long for a comeback post. and now I'm going to disappear again.

till then,
Love, M.

Monday 2 May 2016

gratitudes. grateful.


I should have updated my blog last week Thursday for Sunggyu's 27th (28th in Korean age) birthday because he became my almost 2nd bias in INFINITE. you see how I wrote almost there? because Woohyun keeps in getting the way to remind me that he is my first bias in INFINITE after all and ask to not let him go down after Hoya takes his place. HA-HA. so,

*throws heart*

Anyways, I am not posting this post solely for Sunggyu. no, no Sunggyu, please don't be flattered (for now) :P

So, I received like a pretty good news today and I praise Allah the Almighty for everything that He had planned for me. so beautiful, so smooth. Alhamdulillah, Allah is the Greatest. 

the point of this post? to be grateful everyday. whatever happens, its for a reason. so, whenever faced with tests and trials, do not despair and lose hope. believe in everything happens for a reason. every tests and trials that fall upon you proves that Allah loves you. 

Remember, surah Al-Insyirah (94:5-6);

"So verily, with the hardship, there is relief. Verily, with the hardship there is relief. "

and also, surah Al-Ankabut (29: 2-3)

"Do men think they will be left alone saying: 'We believe' and that they will not be tested? We did that test before them, and Allah will certainly know those who are true from those who are false."

so whenever I faced upon challenges, tests, trials and downturns of life, I kept these two Surahs close to my heart. I believe the more tests and trials I fall upon to, its just the way of Allah telling me, He loves me and wants me to be the better person than I am before.

and the reminder of the post is: BE GRATEFUL OF EVERYTHING EVEN DOWN TO THE CHALLENGES YOU COME UPON. they are the presents from Allah.


till then,

Love, M.

p/s: all images are credited to Google. (we don't want any issues here, don't we?)

Monday 25 April 2016

words and sentences

I am hooked to one of the fanfiction I came across right now. It wasn't the storyline that was compelling, rather how the author writes it. To me, it was flawless, described in many ways that I, unbeknownst to myself was dragged along to read almost what... 20 chapters in a night? (not to mention, I was reading another title with 31 chapters from the same author) I even sleep later than my bedtime because how the author play with her words and sentences was so captivating. yes, captivating.

I've always loved reading and writing but eventually reading becomes stranger to me in these few years. maybe because I couldn't find the time to read because of my university's life and whatnots or maybe I couldn't find the right titles with the right wordplay and the right emotions or maybe I was just lazy or maybe I was just picky.  I couldn't handle stories that was too cliche or doesn't have the right wordplay that plays with my emotions. eseh. AND OH MAYBE I WAS JUST SPEWING EXCUSES hehe.

Anyway, I'm not here to babble about the fanfictions. It's the things that going on my minds right now. After reading the fanfictions, it feels like a dormant part of my brain is just awaken. Words and sentences and ideas start to pour out and I feel... so enthusiastic. I love how my brain is raking with words and grammars and sentences and ideas! Not that I'm going to write everything all ideas on my mind but maybe I'll try. I'll try to post up a little of the story here, maybe *scratches head* or maybe its just going to stay in my laptop for the rest of its life. I don't know. Or maybe I just going to talk to myself for the sake of improving my English. haha. sounds legit, no?

On a side note, 2 updates in a day? NO WAY. That's how my brain works right now. Spewing nonsense. Yes nonsense, the one what you are reading right now. hehehe.

So the fanfictions? Yes. I am still reading ff and did write some and YES, I STILL HAVE BIASES IN KPOP GROUPS. is it suppose to feel wrong? No. I still have live and I still have biases. I don't go berserk for my fav idols, I just being the good-natured fangirl. No. Even if I'm going to be 30 years old, I won't stop listening and having biases. Is it wrong? No, I don't think so. Wait... its legit right? HAH, whatever!


Love, M.

to the firefighter

I've been away for so loooooong from this space. I just had the urge to pour sentences and paragraphs of thoughts this morning. Even during writing this post, I find myself overwhelmed, almost teary as I was thinking about my dad while writing.

This is just my thought when I was driving to work today. I was listening to the news this morning about the bush fires and peat fires happening in the country. I do care about the bush fires happening but I care more for the people who work to put them out. The firefighters, my dad especially.

Babah occasionally would send pictures to me or to the family’s group chat whether it’s an image of a group of the firefighters saving a cat from the tree or an image of the bush fires or the flood in remote areas or sometimes just a picture of him resting when he’s on duty. It would then come out as a lighthearted conversation between me and him, me checking on what he is doing.

I see my dad as a superman. I’m sure everyone else too. He is my superman, one who could fix everything down to dinner. Because of the outbreaks of the bush fire lately, I’ve been concerned about the health of my dad (not that I never had concerns before) and all of the firefighters. Do they have enough rest after that? Do they have enough energy to do it again? Is the safety gears is safe enough? One could ponder how much energy they used up in one operation to put out fires.

Thus, my post goes out to the firefighters who are fighting the bush/peat fires, fighting off the hot, no scorching weather in the nation right now. You have nothing but my utmost respect. Here to the firefighters! Here to my dad <3 May Allah bless every beads of sweats, every ounce of energy you have used to extinguish the fire and reward the utmost blessings to each and every one of you. J
Babah, you are the Superman I’ve grown up with, my first love who I never fall out of love with.

P/s: I’m joining The Firefighter Runs in June. I can’t wait.

Love, M.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

스물 20


I've always wanted to watch this movie ever since I saw the casts in the Running Man. I've known Kang Haneul when I was watching Monstar and he was a heartthrob in that drama (besides Yong Junhyung, of course!), Kim Woobin from School 2013 and Junho from 2PM.

I haven't watch this movie when I was writing this post so I have no comments or rating for this movie, yet. But I heard this movie was a blockbuster in Korea, so it must have been good. hehe. I've been searching this movie online and yes! luckily my friend have it. I'm so excited when she told me that she have this movie.

20. what am I doing when I was 20 years old?

till then,

Love, M.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

in my head


It's September already! may all good things come. honestly my enthusiasm in writing been going up and down. there is time where I want to write but my body won't follow. Its like I prefer to have my nap and let the thoughts ran over in my head and there is time when I want to write something but nothing comes in mind. HAH! what am I talking about. its more or less of an excuse why I don't write after the first post actually. hehehehehehehehehehe.

yesterday I have my first test of this semester and it was Electrical Principle's. I'm majoring in Business, Technology Management specifically but during the 3rd year we were to choose another module from another faculty as a part of Experience Plus. so back to the test, I'm not kidding, I don't actually revise a lot for it. I only revised a little bits during Sunday and whole pieces of electrical definitions just yesterday morning. luckily I was able to do the test. yay!

I'm suddenly out of things to say.........

so, till then,

Love, M.

Tuesday 25 August 2015

there is always a first step to everything.


This is my first post after making this blog.
I've always interested in writing my thoughts on blogs before but stopped when I couldn't find the enthusiasm in writing. Now that I've found my enthusiasm back, maybe I'll try to update as many as I can and write on happy thoughts that I have.

Till then.

Love, M.